Caren Loebel- Fried: Artist and Illustrator
Caren Loebel- Fried was actually my neighbor in New Jersey. She is an incredible artist and illustrator. After visiting Hawaii, she fell in love with the culture and environment and slowly moved there full-time; her work is a huge reflection of that. She creates block prints, and illustrates children books. I used to help her with block printing workshops for kids and she found extremley simple ways to make prints with household materials (styrofoam and pens) This showed me that printmaking has a huge range of complexity, but can also be very simple.
woodblock/ linoleum
“Linocut” is a printmaking technique, a variant of woodcut in which a sheet of linoleum (sometimes mounted on a wooden block) is used for the relief surface.
Graphic, crisp edges
Swoon: Brooklyn-based artist Swoon celebrates everyday people and explores social and environmental issues with her signature paper portraits and figurative installations. She is best known for her large, intricately-cut prints wheat pasted to industrial buildings in Brooklyn and Manhattan.
“Nee Nee in Braddock,” 2014 (block print on mylar with coffee stain and hand painting).
I really love the mixed media approach to her projects, using found materials and untraditional techniques. I like to mix different things in my own work- collage, drawings, paint, prints, really anything I can find or make
I like the unclean look to her work. She doesn’t focus on perfection of technique but the amount of skill is still evident in her work.
Prints to create installation with other art forms in response to climate change and hurricane Sandy
My Own Material Exploration