Self-portrait Book



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For my self-portrait book I wanted to focus on the theme of exploring myself through my reflections. This being actual reflections, and also reflections in the people I love and the spaces I’m most comfortable in. I was inspired by the sociological theory of  the Looking Glass Self by Charles Horton Cooley. This concept is basically the idea that we form our self perception based on how we interact with others and how others see us. I start with familiar places in my hometown and progress to familiar places in New York, using images of my commute on NJ transit as a transition. I primarily focus on my relationship with my best friend because throughout my different environments and stages she has always been a constant part of me. I met her on the first day of freshman year of high school and we have been together ever since, NJ- NY. We live together, and basically are two halves that make a whole person. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t have her.


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