Traces Seema Lisa Pandya

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Modern life has a tendency to disconnect people from natural cycles, even though people have an innate need and desire to be connected to nature and living systems.  Seema Lisa Pandya’s work is grounded in the core belief that sustainability and art are personally transformative. Sustainable elements and functions featuring art and design have the ability to evoke abstract emotional responses and awareness of nature in a viewer that energy conservation and other sustainable technological advances alone cannot illicit.   This personal reconnection has an effective long-lasting sustainable impact that can seep into all areas of personal life.


Seema Lisa Pandya provides sustainability consulting and creates individual and collaborative art projects with the main goal of creating an experiential connection between the viewer and natural systems.  Designs for larger scale work in the built environment aim at creating audience engagement by highlighting functional sustainability features.  Seema works with interdisciplinary teams through an integrated design process pulling from biomimicry and biophilic traditions to explore context-specific solutions related to sustainability issues.   This process provides more holistic, systemic, and multi-perspective creative solutions for the work.

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