Sensing the Past Video Final

Studio 1:Memory

Bridge Project#1

The man purpose of Sensing the Past was to be able to compare and contrast the city we grew up in to New York City. However seeing as I grew up in New York it’s no lie that I found the project very challenging. Comparing my time in New York City as a child to my time now as an adult was difficult. It’s difficult to look at a city and point out how it has changed in your eyes when everything you see in it is and always has been part of your everyday life in some way. Growing up I was already surrounded by skyscrapers and all the typical stuff that people are amazed to see in a big city like this. It wasn’t until I started my mind mapping process and really started to look into my past that I started to realize the significant yet minor changes that occurred over time. My video takes you through a spinet of my life in NYC. I choose an important memory for mine as a transition point to show the city how it looked to me as a child to how it looks to me now. The video begins with my childhood. How my mother would take me to the ferry and how the city would look with the Twin Towers standing in its skyline. The streets where more brick and the subways more dirty. Each year I would attend the Polish Parade on 5th Ave with my polish school and I used this major memory as my transition point. To take me as a child in the parade to me as an adult in the parade now walking with my Scouting Organization. Coming back from this memory the images how my home city now. The subways are much cleaner and advanced and the building are made of glass. Coming back home on the ferry you’ll no longer see the towers in the distance but the new Freedom Tower towering in its place and my mother is no longer here to take me most places but instead I’m there to drive myself back home. I liked working on this project because I got to look into my City a little better and go back in time to look into my childhood to reminisce some memories.

Storyboard link:

Mindmap link:

Sensing the Past Paper:

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