Week 11 Journal Entry

Visual Research

It comes in many different forms. Maybe you have a specific task that you need to complete research for, such as a research paper (as I currently do), and you are instructed to create a visual archive of images. Maybe you have a literal stack of images that you must go through and pick out certain ones that advance an argument you are trying to make or inform you about a question you have. My favorite type of visual research is when I take time to notice my surroundings. I like when I’m walking down the street and listening to music, and I notice something exciting or noteworthy or maybe just something boring. Sometimes I’ll see a dog running or a baby crying or a couple kissing or a discarded object and I’ll laugh or smile or be sad or whatever. These kind of days are the best. Life can be pretty cool (or pretty not cool) when you have time to notice the world around you. Either way, I would consider this a form of visual research and I would consider it important.

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