Bridge 3

I think the layout and design of our newspaper was pretty successful aside from minor details. I think it was a good point that we should stay consistent with our original ideas and insert the underlining swirl design underneath the heading in other places as well to show a common theme throughout. In addition, I feel like the image on the back of the paper of the notice would’ve been more successful if I replaced it with a more specific advertisement that was more closely related to the community. Overall, I think our editorial as a whole was a success.Crown Heights Newspaper Layout B&W-1hfj6fh

I am 18 years old from Long Island and have been interested in art and design my entire life. I have years of experience with photography and design and I am majoring in Communications Design. I love exploring new media and learning new ways to create and appreciate art. In the past I have completed freelance photography and design work. I have photographed for varying companies and events and have created custom album cover art for up and coming artists. I would love to continue creating and exploring deign.

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