M.C. Escher- Impossible

M.C. Escher came to mind when thinking about the word and the idea of impossibility. His depictions of architectural spaces are surreal and quite impossible in the real world, but he makes them real through his prints. In his work he takes a space and makes it endless of collapse in on itself in an aesthetic way. His black and white depictions include great and amazing detail. I especially love the detail and reflection in his self portrait that reflects his own image of his face in a globe. His work makes the impossible into art by using black and white, with incredible detail.

I am 18 years old from Long Island and have been interested in art and design my entire life. I have years of experience with photography and design and I am majoring in Communications Design. I love exploring new media and learning new ways to create and appreciate art. In the past I have completed freelance photography and design work. I have photographed for varying companies and events and have created custom album cover art for up and coming artists. I would love to continue creating and exploring deign.

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