Bridge 4 New Monument

My New monument has two sides to it. The front side has a carving of the Native Americans in dedication to them. The other side shows the three ships from Columbus’ voyage, The Nina, The Pinta, and The Santa Maria, dedicating it to the Italian Americans. The monument itself is surrounded by water fountains and trees.

The three dollar bill souvenir is also double sided. the front side features a Taino Native American Chief. This is made to respect the struggles and hardships they underwent during Columbus’ voyage. The back side shows the three ships used by Columbus to travel to the New World. In addition, it says Italian americans on the top, to respect their side of the controversy over the monument.


The seeded paper souvenir has three different designs. There is a flyer advertising the new monument, a diagram of a ship, and a comic strip explaining the story on Christopher Columbus.

The brochure contains a description of the old Columbus Circle monument, every group members new monument with a formal description, and a display and description of each souvenir.

I am 18 years old from Long Island and have been interested in art and design my entire life. I have years of experience with photography and design and I am majoring in Communications Design. I love exploring new media and learning new ways to create and appreciate art. In the past I have completed freelance photography and design work. I have photographed for varying companies and events and have created custom album cover art for up and coming artists. I would love to continue creating and exploring deign.

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