Invented Character-3D object

This project displays our character Luisa Moretti’s personality and dreams. We went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and found two compelling objects which emphasize Luisa’s aims for the future.  With our 3D shape, which is a combination of 2 objects we saw during our trip at the Met, we wanted to show her willing to go to the New York for Parsons. The building is the symbol for New York which looks like the Empire State building, while the hand shows how Luisa wants to grab her future dreams immediately and be in possession of everything. We learned that symbols are very significant objects while describing a character’s identity. So we applied this knowledge by finding objects for Luisa’s world. On the other hand, being precise and accurate was important. Behind every piece of art there is a meaning which can change, with different point of views.image1image2fullsizerenderfullsizerender-2fullsizerender-3img_1623img_4876

Bridge 2-Final Draft


Integrative Seminar

Invented Character











  1. Intelligent



Luisa Moretti is a 19 years old young girl who grew up in Italy. Her parents are both from different cultures. Her mom is from France and her father from Turkey. Luisa speaks French, Turkish, English and also Italian. Both of her parents love Italy, so they decided to move to Rome before having their kids. She was raised in Rome. She has a younger sister called Alicia. Currently she is in an American high school which is in Rome and her biggest dream is to go to Parsons for college. She wants to be in the Strategic Design and Management program. Also she wants to go there because of the fact that a lot of her idols graduated from this school, like Alexander Wang, one of her favorite designers. His education in Parsons inspired Luisa. She always loved fashion all over the world and she wants to create her own brand in the future. She is scared not to accomplish her goal that is to have a successful carrier in the fashion business even if she is a really motivated girl. Her hobby is to read fashion magazines and read blogs about fashion. She visited New York during fashion week and was amazed. After her trip, she was sure that New York was the right place for her. Luisa is also really interested in art, and loves to go to museum to discover new ideas. She likes to see both classical and contemporary exhibitions. For example, she really likes Basquiat’s work. She is a bit worried about the fast pace of life in New York since she is used to have a serene life in Rome.


Fashion has been her Passion since she was a little girl dressing up in her mother’s clothes and shoes. When she got older, she started to “dress herself”.

She speaks 4 languages perfectly and her personality, sensibilities and approach to life perfectly reflect her two backgrounds and her exposures to both culture.



This fictional character called Luisa is a combination of our identities. We chose to associate her parents with both of our backgrounds which is one of the most important things for being someone. We chose Italy as her hometown because we thought it was perfectly in the middle of our two countries.


Luisa’s biggest aim is to become successful in her carrier, but also she tries to have a vital social life. If she can get her acceptance from Parsons, her biggest challenge at college will be time management. She has a calm life in Rome and she is not used to a rapid pace of life. By the time she comes to New York, she would probably have some problems during her adaptation process.

She has a close relationship with her family. Her sister is like her best friend and they share everything.  Another challenge in New York for her would be missing her family. On the other hand, the idea of being on her own and experiencing a new culture seems very compelling to her.

She decided on Strategic Design and Management according to her interests in fashion and dreams about her future brand. She thinks she could combine her talents and dreams while building up her life. Luisa is not feeling comfortable with her drawing skills. So she wants to work on that. She is more confident about management. So this major would be the right one for her. She also has some idols and sources of admirations. For instance, she admires Bella Hadid’s style. Hadid has a one year Parsons experience in her background. Also Christian Dior’s designs really inspires her. Luisa has an Instagram account, where she posts her daily outfits and tries to influence other people with her style.

After college, her plan is to find an internship in New York for a short period. Then, she might go back to Rome, Paris or Istanbul and settle a new life. She might even go to a graduate school in Europe. While dealing with branding, she can work as a fashion buyer in a textile company or in any other companies related with fashion. She is not sure in which of these cities she wants to live permanently. Luisa wants to compare her experiences in these different places which affected her personality.

Overall, Luisa Moretti is a young and responsible girl, who is trying to follow her dreams while developing her future. She has lots of options because of her multicultural background.



Link to her Facebook profile-



It was a pleasure for me to work with Josephine. We had bunch of things in common so creating a character, mixing our identities wasn’t so hard. We both have the same major which is Strategic Design and Management. Our future plans are also parallel and we are interested in fashion. We didn’t argue about anything. We always tried to find a compromise point while deciding about her name, hometown etc. We tried to express our aims, fears and hopes with our character Luisa.


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