Bridge #3 Uptown/Downtown

With my friends in my group, we tried to depict a scene on a platform which is the symbol for the contrast between Canal Street and 5th Avenue. Our maquette consists of three store figures. There is a Louis Vuitton store demonstration which refers to the luxurious shops while the store called “Frozen Yogurt” is made as an example of a store in China Town. Our third store is considered as the mixture of both styles of stores. It is the combined store because there is a special displaying item inside. This object can spin and one side is symbolizing the 5th Avenue stores and the other is showing a display from a Canal Street store. Also, there are two streets coming out from two opposite stores. These streets which are 5th Avenue and Canal Street are shown as they are crossing even in reality they are located in totally different places. This detail implies that there’s a common point for every store. Although the customer profiles are different, customers are visiting shops for a single aim. We are going to these places because we want to buy. The difference occurs with the particular display techniques and with the quality of the products which they are serving in these stores. Also, the salesman and customer relationships are opposite too. To show this difference, we preferred to put two unalike men as salesmen in front of stores. Louis Vuitton store has this well trained man wearing a suit who is acting very polite and who tries to leave a good impression on the customers. On contrary, the other salesman who is standing in front of the store in China Town, seems not very tidy or charming. He seems like he doesn’t care about what people would think about his looking. Adding to this, the target customers coming to this area to shop doesn’t actually care about who is selling the products or how is their behaviors. This is one of the most important points which creates a contrast. We chose to give “Frozen Yogurt” to our Canal Street store because while we were in Canal Street this store which exist in real life stroke at first sight and influenced all three of us. While a luxury store like Louis Vuitton’s most important specialty is its name, Canal street stores doesn’t even think about their names. No one cares attention to a store’s name when entering to a shop in China Town. During our journey in Canal Street, the owner of the shop called Frozen Yogurt told us that before it was a frozen yogurt shop when he first got the store. This never bothered him because while managing money is always hard when running a shop in this area, he never wanted to spend money on this unimportant detail. On the other hand, luxury stores, in this case Louis Vuitton always wants to highlight its name to gain more customers. Branding is the most issue for these stores. Louis Vuitton has goods with monograms all around its stores. Moreover, the stores in China Town usually want to hide themselves but luxury stores prefer to distinguish itself whenever its possible. One of the other significant details about these two types of stores is that items are displayed randomly and not in order in China Town, while the displaying system is very spacious in luxury stores. We tried to depict this detail with our special displaying mechanism. There are few and qualified goods in one side of our object while bunch of crowded items are displayed on the opposite side. A lot of different people having different backgrounds can shop from our store because it meets the requests of both target customer profiles.

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