Love Your Garbage

For this project I saved my trash for three consecutive days, regardless of their categories. As a result, I realized that I’m throwing away a lot of recyclable materials. First, I wanted to do a path from my trash. I called it a recycling maze, while wanting it to carry the sense of a game. I put my trash in order, on a black board, based on the items sizes to make it seem more aesthetic in terms of design. With small arrows, I explained each of my trash. The path starts from a trash can and ends at the recycling center. I wanted to emphasize that people could put more effort on recycling their garbage. For the final part, I decided to do something more artistic and took a photo of my path. I distorted the picture and displayed a new form of photo which stands in between the ideas of abstract and concrete. I chose to make it like that on purpose, in order to show how people are also in-between the idea of recycling and leaving trash just as it is. Usually people know the benefits of recycling but they are not used to do it. It is an encouragement poster for recycling. Also, I didn’t want to include too many words in order to avoid resulting with an overwhelming structure.



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