Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space- Reflection

Our visit taught me a lot of things that I didn’t know about the New York City and environmentalist activities happening around. The activists who helped other people during unexpected natural disasters influenced me a lot. Also  the cyclists actions and the project of making the Times Square a automobile-free place is a huge action in order to apply the positive sides of the European cities like Amsterdam to the city. The east village is a powerful and innovative district which initiates great environmentalist events and gathers society to inform them. I learned that usually the new activities spread out through the whole city starting from the east village. The people created the community gardens are really inspiring. They don’t only work for their own benefits but also for the city’s other residents benefits. If some weren’t careless and selfish they didn’t even need to specify some rules for the gardens and those community places would be open all the time. In my opinion, the most interesting project during our tour was located in the community garden. I really liked the idea of saving rain water in the barrels while filtering them with a mesh in order to protect the water from insects which would carry bacteria causing contagious  diseases for people. Also, the idea of serving them for free to the public is showing the dedication and of the environmentalists. This behavior proves that they don’t expect any financial benefits from these kind of community supportive actions.

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