Becoming Non-Human/Designing Non-Human

I am an oak tree on 10th avenue and 17th street. I am surrounded by my tree friends living under the same conditions with me. Unfortunately, I have to deal with some serious problems because of the excessive human activity which ruins the environmental balance on this planet. Currently, the seasons are happening harsher than the previous years. The unexpected rains are affecting my life quality in a very bad way. On the other hand, sometimes for a pretty long time my roots have to suffer with extreme dryness. Water level in soil should be conserved at an optimum level at all times. Also, I sometimes can’t reach enough sunlight due to the tall buildings and skyscrapers round the park where I am located.

During the observation process, I realized that one oak tree had some rotten root sections coming out of the soil. I did a research about why this was happening and understood that excessive amount of watering is one of the main causes of this problem. So, the system I designed would both save a huge amount of water which would normally be used for irrigation and allow people to use natural rain water by getting the most benefit out from it.

In order to prevent these issues and create a better habitat for the tree I have observed, i designed a self-sufficient system. This cover, on top of the tree only gives the amount of water which is needed for that specific time and saves the rest of the rain water for other times when rain levels decrease. These two mirror panels absorb the sunlight and transfer the energy towards the tree and its roots.

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