DrawingandImagingopposite <<< Click the link to see the full resolution image of Office on Fire.
I created Office on Fire during my Drawing & Imaging class. The project was to combine two images that were polar opposites. I decided to combine two opposite images that each create different feelings for a person. I believe that fire is one of the most beautiful things in the world. It is dangerous and exciting. I wanted to find an image that caused me to feel dull, boring, and mundane. Cubicles were the first thing that came to mind. I have a great fear of working in a cubicle one day because it feels so limiting and sad. Cubicles represent structure to me as opposed to fire which represents unconfined chaos. I used charcoal and chalk pastel to create Office on Fire. I used black and white charcoal for the cubicle space and the burnt marks on the sealing and the sides of the cubicles. I used chalk pastel to create the lava, explosions, and fire that are wrecking havoc in the space.
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