Drawing and Imaging: Black and White Compositions

For this project we started with line drawings of a figure on a stool, which we did in class with a model doing 20-minute poses. Then we did another line drawing of three stools stacked on top of and next to each other. Using those two drawings, which we scanned into Photoshop, I layered them together to create a composition with lots of negative shapes.

I printed out my “combo” composition, traced all the negative shapes, and cut two sets of shapes out of bristol.

With those negative shapes, I created two compositions: one with a white figure on a black background. and the other depicting an ambiguous composition, where the background and figure carry the same weight and balance each other out.

The second part of the project was to trace the “combo” composition digitally and arrange the shapes into two new “white figure” and “ambiguous” compositions.

So, using illustrator, I used the pen tool to trace the negative shapes from the scanned stool and figure composition. Then I used those shapes to make new ambiguous and white figure compositions.

In the end I feel that this project really taught me how to think about negative space and how to make a composition with a clear figure and also where the figure and background are less defined.

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