Bridge 1- Space of Solidarity

Solidarity to me and my group is unity and togetherness. The way we decided to present this notion was to create a lounge area for senior high school students. We chose only one grade in order to limit the amount of people who can enter and encourage bonding between these select students. The room is small to avoid separation. It is rectangular shaped and measures 17×25 feet. On the right of the front entrance, stands a high table with stools around it so people can gather. Behind that is a bookshelf filled with books people can borrow as they wish and hopefully discuss with other classmates. On the back wall, a couch sits beneath a window allowing for natural light to shine right near the bookshelf and by the couch where people may choose to read. On the left wall is a bench which could fit multiple people surrounded by moveable bean bags. They can be moved to be near any area of the room. We purposely did not include a television in the room because we did not want any possible distractions. We hope our goal to bring these students together in their final year of high school can be achieved in this way. I specifically contributed to the team effort helping to think of the idea to keep the lounge small and elite, specifically for senior students. In the actual building, I helped in the creating of the body of the room (walls and ground) and the bookshelf. Looking back, I think our model could’ve been better if we had used other materials to enhance the feeling of the space with carpeting and couch cushions


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