Constructed Environments Studio: # 10 – Cooper Hewitt Museum Lab – Design Access

In Cooper Hewitt’s Museum Lab design session, different speakers brought insight to the world of design and how design affects those with disabilities.  The common practice is to design in an 80-20 percent ration of design, 80% being the majority, and 20% being those disconnected with society.  This idea essentially creates one size fits all design, and does not take every individual into consideration.   When we do try and add elements of design to become more inclusive, the trend is to enable the disabled user while also concealing the design element.  This provides some equality, but really sets the user of this new element as different, and stays out of sight and mind of the average non-disabled user.  This goes along with the speakers thoughts that designing should not be hidden or an afterthought, but should be that starting point, and focus, to create a productive space while enabling all possible users, and adding a key element that creates dignity within the user in the act of using.  Some other key points from the speakers touch on how to accomplish this and why.  They bring up the spectrum of disability as well as how common and spread out they are, and how to do all of this we do not only need a different mindset but different designers as well, as it takes many mindsets to create an inclusive whole



Some video examples of disabilities:

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