Studio 2: Mind-map

My Mind-map: Bodhisattva

The object I chose is bodhisattv.When the professor asked us to write three objects associate with chinese culture, the firtst thing came to my mind was Bodhisattva. There are a lots of myths about Bodhisattva in China, because Budhism is one of the most crucial belief in China and it is the symbol of moral and wisdom. People believe that Budhism can bring them fortune and help them to achieve their dreams including prey for health, fortune, family , career, study and so on.

To me, I thought Budhism has two points relate with me. First,  Journey to The West, one of the four moust famous fiction novel in China and also my favourite TV show. It is a stroy talking about a monk Tang Sanzang inTand Dynasty accept the mission to go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures. During the journey, Sanzong adopted three apprentinces and experienced eighty one difficulties. Eventually, they finished the journey to the west and become a Buddha. The second point is that my grandma is a devot believer of Buddism, there is a small scultupre of Buddha in her home office room, she worships for the health of our family every day. When I was little, my grandma bought me a pendant of Buddha which was used to prevent disaster.

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Process & Details:

This is the original mind-map I did in class.During the discussiong, I found not many people know the word of Bodhisattva, therefore I sketched a Buddha in the center of the mind-map.

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I used multiple colors in the mind map for different sections to make it clearer to viewers.

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Three Images:ThreeMountains_02b

The first picture is temple, most of the sculptures of Buddha are located in temple, therefore people would go to temple to prey for their needs.


The second picture is about the four characteristics in the fiction novewl, the first myth from my childhood memory. The four of them eventually become Buddhas after experienced eighty one difficulties.


The third one is the Metropolitan Museum of Art, differents kinds of sculptures of Buddha are displaced in the museum.


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