Week 12: Production in 8th Floor lab, 55 w. 13th St.
Week 13: Rough Crits
Game playlists in D1200 / Simon & Nobo
Stephanie, Juliana
Angela, Ariella, Mischa, Lili
Sungji, Melissa, Felix, Haowei
Tuesday, November 25th: optional meetings with Jess in D811 (Thursday classroom)
Week 14: Final WIP sessions
**Thursday, Dec 4th Meet @ 12:10 in room 407, 55 w. 13th**
– review course learning outcomes, evaluations, work session
Week 15: Final Critiques with External Critics
**all work must be ready/loaded by 12:15pm**
Tuesday: Critics Melanie Crean & PG Kain
Nobo, Simon, Juliana, Stephanie, Ariella, Angela
Thursday: Critics Lauren Redniss & Julia Gorton
Sungji, Felix, Melissa, Haowei, Lili, Mischa
DUE: Friday, December 12 @ Noon: in your Google Drive
– Final Project ( images/movie file ) Please *mark it if you have made revisions, otherwise I will assume it is the same as what was presented in the critique
– All Process documentation: final project notes, sketchbook images, early playlists, storyboards, scripts, etc. Everything.
– Final Reflection: Write a one page reflection on what you have learned about 1) your working style/process 2) the most exciting/challenging aspects of any projects done in the class 3) where you think you could have done better 4) where you see yourself going (creatively) in the future.
This is for your future self and will not affect your final grade, so be honest.