Spot and collect 20 images that are created by wear, repair, time, decay, spillage, breakage, update, replacement, light, shadow, rain, snow… place these observations into your sketchbook with their associations.
On my way back and to the UC from my dorm, I carried my little camera with me. A normal 15 minute walk became an afternoon of really observing the things that I pass by everyday. Every moment, I’d stop and be like- oh wait! Sometimes, things pass by before I’m quick enough to snap it, other times I’m lucky. Perhaps it was a little cliché, a girl with a camera, perhaps I looked crazy to passerbys but that’s ok. I got the enriching chance to slow down and obesrve the beauty in the little things. From these photos, I could see how the surface of soap reminded me of walking on the moon, which could serve as some embroidery inspiration. Or the colors of the city, a cool ecclectic color palette. Or the everyday use of plastic as a wrapper, though unenvironmentally friendly, gives off clear streaks of light through its opacity, inspiring me to look at everyday materials in a new way.