Wood necklace

Pick wood scraps from the woodshop and create a necklace made up of 3 or more wooden components. Using the shop machines, shape the components and connect the wood pieces in a creative way using mechanical connectors, consider presenting them as a decorative element. Post your process, necklace, and styling photos.

















This was the first time I used the Making Center at Parsons. Thanks to the helpful technicians the process was smooth and they made me feel welcome there which I really appreciated!

I wanted my necklace to be big and statement like. At first, my idea was to have one big bead hanging from the half-moon shape but as I was in the woodshop, I liked the raw look of the irregular cutouts and they reminded me of sun rays.

To make my necklace, I used the blade saw to cut out the half-circle, and the scroll saw to create slits to weave in the sash which I sewed also. With the leftover pieces, I attached by drilling holes through with the drill press and connected with wire. I sanded all the pieces with the band sander and painted with white acrylic.

Even though I may not wear my necklace in real life, it was a great experience to try out the machines and familiarize myself!

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