Bauman Conclusion: Perishing Together

“As authors and editors, we are worried that this book might be bit of a bummer…What’s more, while many exciting ideas and movements have been discussed in this book, none of them are conclusive solutions…” (Bauman 266).

Bauman begins his conclusion with the depressing possibility that humans may not be able to reverse the destruction that they have caused to the planet. This conclusion entitled, “Despair, hope, and action” urges its readers to accept their despair rather than reject the inevitable destruction. At first, I thought that Bauman was going to end the book with the claim that there is nothing that we can do and that’s it but he goes on to highlight the importance of despair. He acknowledges that even though there have been many solutions proposed in the book, many of them are not feasible. Instead, people need to be empowered by their despair in order to act. Knowing that one has no “normal future” left ahead, it becomes guaranteed that there is nothing to lose by fighting back and everything to gain from moving forward as activist Tim DeChristopher writes. When organizations only have hope at the foreground of their ecological response, human morale may lower because the acceptance of despair has not yet occurred. Buddhism encourages this reaction to the ecological crisis. Hope then blooms from despair.

“…it is time to acknowledge that the world as we know it will perish” (Bauman 269).

One alternative path of hope is grounding oneself in a concrete place rather than attempting to take on the task of the entire earth’s ecological crisis. “…not all environmental problems need to be understood globally…” (Bauman 270). To me, this sounds like the most feasible type of hope that many people are already engaging in without realizing. Rather than make a great plan, people should have smaller one’s for concrete locations. Another approach frequently mentioned is the creation and bonding over a newly created religion. If all the others have once failed the environment, maybe it is time to bond over a new one. This starts at merely encouraging communities to share ideas and interconnect. Bauman writes, “Thus, religious communities can come together to shape a new ethic that will guide humanity to a better and more just future” (Bauman 272).

Bauman also concludes that perhaps rather than using a single answer to engage in the struggle, people need to engage in the question of environmental degradation first. When people fail to even acknowledge it, nothing will ever be changed. Unlike my original opinion that this talk of despair and loss serves as unproductive, at the end of this book I felt like Bauman offers many great theories throughout the book that should be shared to even begin the ecological talk. It’s not depressing to mention this despair, but rather it serves as an acceptance and launch pad for future change. I really liked Grounding Religion and I feel like it did exactly as advertised: served as a field guide for beginners on how to begin the conversation on the environment.

13 thoughts on “Bauman Conclusion: Perishing Together

  1. What would that new religion look like? I ask because I have had an obsession with cults, radical cultural shifts and bringing the spiritual into the political realm for a long time now. I had a dear friend once tell me, after a rant about community and nature engagement, “Erica, you’re one of those people who would start a good cult.” I laughed at the time but more and more through this class I can see the power religion and spirituality play in people’s lives and that in these uncertain times how people are yearning for support and comfort from religion. However I think often people find that previous religions lack relevance in these times or that they are too large to be affective, similar to government.

    What would the fundamentals of this sort of new religion or spiritual tradition have to have in your mind. In a weird way I feel perhaps the creation of some sort of commune, center, intentional community is the perfect combination of my crazy skill set haha. But as a young person what would you look for in a new religion?

    1. Maybe we should start a cult together! I get the same comment semi-frequently. I too am curious about the architecture of a new, uniting religion. We’ve already got so many, is one more really going to help?

      1. ” I too am curious about the architecture of a new, uniting religion. We’ve already got so many, is one more really going to help?”

        Damn, that’s a great point, Mina. Maybe a form of bioregionalism is the flourishing of multiple cults.

  2. Hope is so easy to give up on, that working with despair seems promising. Paradox? Not if the way of the world is composting, liquid qi, etc. Sometimes I think what religion offers is hope beyond hope: we’ve lost hope before, many times. That’s who we are, where we come from…

  3. ” I too am curious about the architecture of a new, uniting religion. We’ve already got so many, is one more really going to help?”

    Damn, that’s a great point, Mina. Maybe a form of bioregionalism is the flourishing of multiple cults, rather than one, or a handful, of globalized religions…

    1. I totally agree. I think in a way that is why I have been so focused on learning from indigenous traditions. I think that that’s exactly what they are. bioregional religions. It is the colonizing impacts of certain monotheistic religions that upended these traditions. Without culturally appropriating people who’s families aren’t from this continent, too a lot of us, need to find ways of engaging with our bioregions in ways more akin to indigenous culture. We need to perhaps talk less and listen more to indigenous voices and follow their advice. It was their ancestors who lived harmoniously with the landscape before, their voices are a good place to start I think.

  4. Colonialism as a method of control is synonymous with religion as a trump card. This is why figures such as Jesus are portrayed as Anglo-Saxon despite his middle eastern origin, it’s a method of superiority. Whereas in the time of the ancients, there was no need for authority aside from the chief, and major decisions were handle on a regular basis based on cooperation with members of the tribe. One can say that the Native Americans were early practitioners of communism before it was even invented.

  5. دعاوی کیفری: دعاوی ملکی که از نوع کیفری هستند تنها با جبران خسارت مالی فرد شاکی به پایان نمی رسند و کسی که در این میان متهم است، علاوه بر جبران ضرر و زیان خواهان، باید از نظر قانونی دوره حبس را نیز بگذراند. جرایم ملکی کیفری عبارتند از: جعل سند و استفاده از سند های این چنینی در معاملات، کلاهبرداری در املاک و اراضی، فروش ملک به بیش از یک نفر و تصرف عدوانی که همه این دعاوی، توسط بهترین وکیل ملکی در ارومیه می تواند پیگیری شود.

  6. بهترین وکیل کیفری در ارومیه وکیلی است که دوره های آموزشی خود را در دانشگاه گذرانده و پروانه وکالت خود را دریافت کرده باشد و محدودیتی برای حضور در دادگاه نداشته باشد. وکیل کیفری به دلیل تجربیاتی که دارد، همانند متخصص دعاوی کیفری عمل می کند. او شناخت کامل راجع به انواع دعاوی کیفری و چگونگی برخورد با آن ها را دارد و می تواند از موکلین خود در برابر اتهامات وارده و جرایمی که به آن ها نسبت داده شده است به عنوان وکیل مدافع دفاع کند.

  7. وکیلی که قرار است در حوزه رسیدگی به پرونده های خانواده فعالیت کند، باید دوره های آموزشی خود را به طور کامل طی کرده و در آزمون های برگزار شده به موفقیت برسد. بهترین وکیل خانواده در ارومیه وکیلی است که در بین وکلای فعال در این زمینه در استان آذربایجان غربی توانسته باشد به موفقیت ها و تجربیات مفیدی دست یابد. این وکیل با داشتن پروانه وکالت و پایان دوره کارآموزی، پرونده های بسیاری را در زمینه طلاق، مهریه، اعسار، وصیت، حضانت فرزند و ارث را بر عهده می گیرد و با سطح علمی و حقوقی بالایی که دارد به خوبی از پس آن ها بر می آید.

    فردی اطلاق می شود که ضمن برخورداری از پروانه وکالت پایه یک دارای تجربه و مهارت بالایی در پیگیری و رسیدگی به پرونده طلاق توافقی باشد و با توجه به تسلطی که بر قوانین در این حوزه دارد قادر باشد پرونده را در مسیر قانونی و در کوتاه ترین زمان ممکن به نتیجه مثبت برساند.


    وکیل پایه یک دادگستری کسی است که پروانه وکالت خود را توانسته است از دو مرجع قوه قضاییه و یا کانون وکلا دریافت کند و به عضویت یکی از کانون های وکالت دادگستری در آید. از جمله اختیارات بهترین وکیل خانواده در ارومیه که به عنوان وکیل پایه یک دادگستری شناخته می شود، این است که می تواند از طرف اشخاص حقیقی و حقوقی اقداماتی را متناسب با آن چه که در وکالت نامه ثبت شده است انجام دهد و در دادگاه ها و دادسراها به دفاع از آن ها بپردازد.

  10. “آیا در آستانه یک تغییر مهم مانند طلاق هستید؟ وکیلان ما در کرج آماده همراهی با شما در این مسیر ارزشمند هستند. با توجه به تجربه و دانش ما در حقوق خانواده، ما به شما اعتماد و راهنمایی لازم را ارائه می‌دهیم تا این فرایند را به شکلی صحیح و آرام پیش ببرید. با ما تماس بگیرید تا از مشاوره‌ی رایگانمان بهره‌مند شوید و قدمی مطمئن‌تر بردارید.”
    وکیل کرج

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