
Darren MacPherson – mental health

April 25, 2019 - Integrative Studio 2
Darren MacPherson – mental health


Discovering myself with serious mental and psych problem that I don’t even realize myself, I tried to search for artists online who had the same issue as a creator like me. I believe all artists or everyone had a time with serious mental and physical illness, but artists are just the one who had more expressive feelings of emotions on their works. The artist website Hunger introduced five contemporary Artist who went through mental illness, which Darren MacPherson attract my eyeballs the most due to his vibrate use of color and acrylic paints.

Darren Macpherson was originally from the United Kingdom, influence by the Indian, Japanese, and Urban culture, Macpherson explores the world of personal territories such as mental health and his own family history with the use of Acrylic, spray paint, oil pastel and crayon. Most of his works were having vibrate figurative objects and subtle complexity of colors around human figure that represents his personal style.

I found out a really deep love and relationship with his work, how free his brushstroke is, and how fearless he was with his way of painting.


artist portrait]

source above.


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