Some Edges are Difficult to Define

How we perceive and how we communicate edge quality and value can alter our experience spatially, emotionally and psychologically.  Consider an environmental/social or economic topic/current event that you would like to create as a focal point for your drawing.  You will create 1 series of five drawings which will move like a scale from atmospheric to sharp.  It will be your decision to emphasize a specific location/object within the composition as it comes into focus or if you prefer to work up the entire composition in focal gradients.  

Many other cultures read in different directions other then the Western left to right, consider the direction of movement: will it be left to right, right to left, up and down or radially.  Also consider the degree of blurriness or crispness you will move from, it can be more subtle or more extreme depending on your vision. Use your layout and the approach as a way to contextualize your subject/focus/concept.    Other atmospheric keywords include: soft, loose, sfumato, static, blurry, undefined, foggy. Other sharp keywords include: focused, crisp, hard-edge, graphic, clean, clear, defined.  How do these variations alter the way we read these images?  How do these variations relate to photography, news, media and documentation?  

THIS PROJECT IS NOT A VALUE/GRADIENT SCALE. It’s a scale showing something  fuzzy/blurry  to in focus – edge quality.   

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