Retracing Artifacts + Storytelling / Dreamtime

Storytelling is a way of passing down information, often times it is a way of describing the origin or metamorphosis of a subject/character/being.  Dreamtime is the nomenclature for the creation of the world according to Aboriginal Australians.  In other  words, Aborigines Dreamtime is a way of narrating the  origin story of something. Using the belief of Dreamtime as a springboard create a layout exhibiting the creation of your pattern from its origin of scans/photos, appropriated images, color palettes, gradients and any additional inspiration.  Please use your sketchbook as a place to draw out any layout ideas. 

This is not an illustration of a dream you had, but a dream you had could inspire some of it. This projects is the story of how you created your pattern, starting with the objects you chose to trace using the pen tool. Therefore, the more elements your pattern has, the more you have to work with when illustrating it’s origin, it’s creation, and it’s development. 

Mood Board

Composition Studies

Reflection on Color Recollection-Visual Memory and Color Reading and Contexture found in Josef Alber’s Interaction of Color and the section Color Combinations and Interactions in Paul Zelanski and Mary Pat Fisher’s Color

I think color is one of the more important aspects that affect a body of work. At least for me, when I first look at a work of art I see the colors followed by all the detail within. Color has the ability to completely alter the intended meaning of a artwork, whether the colors are meant  to pop or blend in with each other provides the viewer with an entirely different experience. Although the symbolic meanings of a color vary from culture to culture, more often than not it has to do with the natural environment around us and the relationship between humans and our surroundings. However, even though we are exposed to the pre-existing symbolic representations of color, just like Joseph Albers said in “Interactions of Color”, no matter how specific the description of the color, no two people will always see the same color in their minds. I think his insight was very interesting because it really proves how although the intentional thought process of each person is different, simply the way our eyes interpret light data differs from person to person. I thought the second reading was particularly interesting because it focused on the technical aspects of color and the effects of complimentary colors and the different ways color scheme can be used to emphasize aspects of an artwork rather than interpreting the color schemes on a personal level. Since it can be understood that all people interpret color slightly differently, it is important to not solely rely on a single color but on color schemes as shown in “color”. In my work, I see color working as a tool to emphasize the connotation of different images and of all the images combined. Because the idea of this next assignment is to tell a story, I want to use colors found in my objects but alter them be cohesive in a single composition.

Drafted Project

Originally I tried to stay away from the red/green color scheme because of its correlation to Christmas and focused on the blue/ pink color scheme from my mood board but found the compositions I was creating to stray from the lighthearted final composition I desired. For example, in the below composition I found that the continuous use of deeper colors with the addition of the black borders created with the legs created a scarier more nighttime feel.

Final Layout


For this project, I chose to outline objects that were either gifted to me or typically used in the process of gift wrapping such as tape and gift bows. The focal point of the piece is the red present and is emphasized with the strong use of black in comparison to the rest of the composition. For the majority of my pattern I used high heels and a gift wrapping bow along with the legs referencing back to the shoes. For my color scheme, although not entirely intentional, reminds me of Christmas and the memories it brings along referencing back to receiving gifts like barbie dolls for Christmas. In class critique it was also mentioned that the legs and shoes could reference dance steps and almost being rhythmic and predictable while still being organic.

One thought on “Retracing Artifacts + Storytelling / Dreamtime

  1. Hannah, I appreciate the connections you made to the complimentary color scheme red and green and how you integrated that cultural reference of color with gift giving. Clever! Nice LP post.

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