Assignment: Self Portraiture Project inspired by an established self-portrait photographer
Medium: Canon EOS R6, photos collages and edited through Lightroom Classic and Photoshop
Inspired by Rita Hammond
For the process of this assignment, the initial vision drastically differs from the final outcome. I originally planned for more daytime pictures and for the collaged images of me to be sharper and look more analog. It was after experimenting with motion blur and opacity on Photoshop that I decided to further edit the images. Most of the images are at night to play into the freedom and feeling of control the nighttime gives me but still address the dangers of the city. This further enhances the message being conveyed and plays into the childishness of the piece. As for the images I chose to collage myself into, I tried to use recognizable places and objects that I see everyday but never put much thought into to add to the newfound freedom where everything is new but still recognizable.