Formal Analysis Essay: Wall paintings from a Cubiculum Nocturnum

The Wall paintings from a Cubiculum Nocturnum are a set of wallpaper-like paintings from 50-40 BCE in Roman culture. Although not part of an official collection, about sixty sections of wall paintings were discovered after the excavation of the villa and sold to different museums around the world. The walls of Room M were purchased by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1903 and are currently on view. The particular…

Objects Past / Objects Present

This assignment entails selecting one object from the past and one object from the present and makingcontextual comparisons between the two. That is, whom, when, how, and why were they used. Smoking pipes from Ancient Central America and Mexico, 700 A.D Current Day Cigarettes, 2023 The objects I chose for this assignment are the clay smoking pipes of Central America in what can be assumed as the Post-Classical Period and…