For this creative project in Sustainable Systems we were asked to create a performance or do an action that takes about climate change. In my group with Carla, Beryl and Noa, we decided to focus on the impact plastic has in our society. We thought about creating a video sort of as a commercial or handing our leaflets, however, we though that doing an installation in our school, in a wall everyone passes by would be very powerful. We therefore created a series of posters with a simple design and with the Parsons logo (to try and make it more official and serious) about facts on plastic. We printed them out and we put them in the stair case that went from the ground floor to the first floor:

Also, we decided to add plastic bottles that we had used during the week to our installation just to make people aware of the amount of plastic we use because these were ONLY bottles. Imagine if we would have added bags, straws… the whole wall would have been filled. However, that was not our purpose since we wanted to make the text legible and we wanted it to stand out.

At the end of the installation we created a big rhetorical question poster and we proposed a solution. We talked in class about how sometimes all we do is complain and we don’t offer solutions. We thought about the farmers market being a solution to using less plastic since fruits and vegetables don’t come in packaging and you can always bring your own tote bag to carry them home. We made a little map with the all the farmers markets in Paris.

Finally we recorded the final installation with the plastic included:


And we recorded some reactions:





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