Wine Horn

Vine Horn 1


18th century.

As an inspirational object I choose the traditional Georgian wine horns. These are the most common objects of Caucasus region, and they are used for drinking wine, particularly red one.  (picture 4 fromt he top)

Usually, the ancient wine horns are actually made out of bones, and decorated with metal ornaments.

Such horns were used not only on Caucasus, but in Medieval Europe as well. Knights used to drink wine from them, while richer people used silver and gold glasses. Though, the horns also were decorated with very expensive metals, which made them very valuable as well.

It is believed that these horns can connect people. A person is supposed to drink the whole thing, or take a little sip and pass it to another person, which made this friendly connection between people. It was very common during big gatherings and dinners. The horns were not meant to be put down on the table, but they were meant to be finished right away.

Vine Horn 2

This is the another example of horn shape glass made of gold and silver from Adigeya, 5 AD.

Such glasses are not the classical representations of actual horns, for they are not made with actual bones. Nowadays, wine horns are usually made out of metals or very chip bones, to sell them as souvenirs.

1Wine 3 2 Mongolia Horn Necklace 1

I could not really find the artist who were inspired by the wine horns, but I found some examples that show how modern designers use horn shapes.

1)The very famous wine holders that can be seen in many restaurants and homes immitate the wine horn glasses in shape, and relate to wine “holding” and consuming.

2) The necklace that was inspired by the horn shape, and places the way as usually the wine horns glasses are placed.

Kate Clarck, 2, 2 Kate Clark, 2010, 2

These are made by the contemporary artist, Kate Clark, who uses the actual horns in her sculpture.

I think it is very interesting idea, but it it is cruel to kill animals for that, for the materials she is using are not fake.


Hi everyone! I was born in Russia, but for the past couple of years, I lived in Miami, Florida. My passion is drawing and painting, and one more....I am not going to tell you..secret:)

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