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Bridge 3- Anti-Monument

For Bridge 3 assignment we were required to make an anti-monument that symbolizes our point of view on a specific topic. Before we begin to compose it, we were supposed to visit a certain neighborhood to experience the atmosphere. We as a group planned to create a piece based on technology. For that we decided to visit the Garment District to observe technology’s impact on urbanization. Times Square is known for its led technology; gigantic digital billboards and dazzling lights. Therefore it literally represents the age of information and the invasion of screens which are the highly significant concepts of 21st Century.

We wanted to focus on the idea of technology because in these days people lack social-interaction. The ability to make friends outside has reduced due to the loss of ability to communicate outside of the technological world. People are no longer capable of creating relationships through speaking to others due to technology addiction. The level of face to face interaction and conversation has diminished since people assume that their mobile phones are their best friends. The mirror part of our monument purposes to make people realize the outide world and their surroundings. We placed an eye on the top of our monument to point out that we are being controlled by the others. As it is mentioned in George Orwell’s 1984, “Big Brother Is Watching You.” Living in a distopian universe, all of our actions are being monitored. Therefore there is no longer a concept such as privacy. The social media apps scan our personal information and use them against us.

As a result of our work experience, We had a chance to investigate one of the well known neighborhood of NYC and had an opportunity to bring out our very unique interpretation to it.

This is our sketch

The final look

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