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Week 2: Great Acceleration

1-) How do you as a designer want to skillfully and creatively meet the realities of the Great Acceleration? (What kind of projects and actions do you think might be needed)?

Great Acceleration refers to the serious acceleration of human impact on Earth’s geology and ecosystem thru the development of technology and industrial revolution. After the human activity has drastically increased after the world war 2, the exploitation of natural resources and negative results in Earth’s system have began to be a serious issue. As a designer, it is our job to think critically and to place ourselves into the next generation’s position. As skillful producers, we should come up with recyclable designs that are going to be created with biodegradable and decomposable materials. Even utilizing products that are already used by others or reproducing unused equipments are an option. Population has been increased rapidly for that, while facing with the realities of the Great Acceleration producing sustainable designs should be a must.


2) Research the word Anthropocene and write a short description. How resilient is your hometown ecology to climate change/the Anthropocene? Do people have a relationship with the natural environment today?  What human or environmental systems are affected by climate hazards? Are people doing anything about it?

The Anthropocene means a new period which has begun after the Industrial Revolution. The term clearly indicates that humans are the leading actors whose impacts shape the environment. Humans have begun to modify Earth’s system from atmosphere, oceans to biogeochemical cycles. Consequently, the human impacts on the environment at a serious scale has begun to shape the Earth’s  geology and ecosystem. 

In Turkey, as a result of Anthropocene, in order to produce more goods, fertilizers, machines and pesticides have started to used in agricultural activities. The increase in human activity has given a rise to serious results such as erosion effect, agricultural and environmental pollution and soil degradation. Moreover, due to industrialization, habitants have begun to migrate from rural areas to big cities where industrial facilities were set. Consequently, industrial developments have caused to a lost in agricultural areas. The exploitation of natural resources have caused an increase in psychical and chemical pollution of rivers, lakes and seas. Also after 1970, along with population and tourism growth, urbanization has boomed and construction of buildings along the coastline have damaged the city’s natural structure. The rise in human human activity has caused environmental degradation in Turkey. My grandma always tells me that when she was a kid, there were more green areas in the city compare to the present and the fruits tasted better since the use of pesticides were not a thing. 



3) Next week we will tour the Donghia healthier Materials Library on campus.  to learn about their work.

 What are you most interested in learning about at the library during the tour?

I was surprised of conversion of sorghum straw into wheat-board. The way it can be used as a substitute for wood really impressed me and at the same time inspired me.


What are two questions that you have for the librarian?

Is there a high demand for those material samples ?

Are those samples expensive?

4) Watch 2-3 videos from the Green Science Policy Institute’s video series (7 videos in total, each about 3 minutes long) on the “Six Classes of Chemical Concern.”

 Which videos did you watch?

Certain metals, highly fluorinated chemicals.

Explain in detail what was most surprising to you about the videos and why.

I learned that highly fluorinated chemicals are man made and they can mix into industrial plants and landfills and then consequently we consume them as our food and drinking water.  Moreover, I learned that cigarette smoke contains cadmium. 

Do you use any of these materials commonly in your work or personal life?  Which ones? 

Yes, non-stick cookwares are a life saver and I do consume tuna fish in my diet as it is high in protein… 

Will you change your behavior as a result of watching this series?

Yes, I will definitely try to consume other alternatives of fish such as salmon in place of tuna fish. Also try to eat less rice based products since rice contains arsenic… I will wash my hands immediately after I contact with older wooden decks. 

Why do you think so many chemicals exist in contemporary design? 

Designers and producers always seek a way to make life easier. So that, their goods must be preferred by the consumer. Including chemicals is the easiest and the cheapest way to attract people and to achieve this aim.

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