Drawing: Design Drawing In Context


This semester’s design drawing class was quite challenging, since I haven’t learned technical drawing before and therefore am not good at it. However, it was really fun trying these new techniques and learning how to use drawing tools I’m not familiar with. Although I didn’t feel confident in my skills before, I definitely learned a lot and am happy with the progress I’ve made throughout the semester. It’s great to try new things, and I’m glad I took this class!

Time: Museum Presentation


For my final Time assignment, I visited the Museum of the city of New York. When I was there, I looked around the different galleries they had and the different floors. It was cool to see the history of the city I live in, and revisit old facts I knew about its past. Also, seeing the statistics on things like the subway, as well as seeing a glimpse into the future with their screening of what New York could look like years later, was also interesting to see.

It was also cool to see the gallery of artwork children has done of New York, like the Empire state building made out of cardboard. The architecture I saw was impressive, and although I’m not close to being an architect, I still appreciated the little details put into these models. There was also a dollhouse that seemed like it would belong to a 19th century little girl, and it was cool to see everything set up in a miniature style.

Time: TV Series Description

Title: Gone.

When a little girl goes missing, the police department puts in their best efforts to figure out what caused it. During the investigation, however, more and more young boys and girls go missing, so it’s up to Rei Hawkins, a newly hired detective from Europe, to solve the mystery of the disappearing children.

Future Architecture Platform: Subway


The subway system in New York is a popular method of transportation throughout the boroughs of the city. Many citizens rely on its use to travel to work, a friend’s house, sightseeing locations and then all the way back home. However, though there is a lot of convenience that comes with taking the subway, it also carries its opposing inconveniences. The option of taking the subway has its appeals: it is a connected network. The subway system has a way to get you virtually anywhere in the city’s five boroughs.

Since New York carries a large population, the subway is a popular choice over driving everywhere on a daily basis. This saves people time looking for parking spots and instead gets them where they want to be without all the hassle of dealing with traffic. Though prices for a metro card ride are increasing, the money is still decent for traveling where you want to go. An example of a drawback, however, would be the immense delays passengers may find themselves experiencing, depending on the line.

From sick passengers, to being held by the train’s dispatcher, and train tracks filled with trash, there is a lot that can prevent a train from being on schedule. According to an article written in 2015¹, train tracks are only cleaned about ten times a year, which is prone to causing train traffic almost every week. If there was a team of maintenance, all of this could be prevented. Also, for sick passengers there should be a specific medical call button inside the trains and on posts in the station near the maps. The faster we could get a problem solved, the faster a train can resume on schedule.


¹ http://ny.curbed.com/2015/7/10/9941804/how-often-are-each-subway-stations-tracks-cleaned