Products & Systems

Image result for tennis shoes

Product name: Tennis Shoes

Manufacturer: Multiple companies

Designer (if not known who invented this product):  U.S. Rubber Company

Year invented: 1892

System of your daily life where this product takes part: An everyday necessity for getting around and going to school and other locations. 

 Explain its function and relation to the system (200 words): Shoes decreases the risk of getting diseases on you feet and provide a healthy way of getting around. Shoes are made up of production and consumers. There are shoes that provide specific benefits depending on weather conditions and specific feet. Shoes can be made to specific foot conditions if needed which can still provide a healthy way of getting around. Having shoes or even just a pair of shoes is a necessity in most cases such as living in New York. With living in New York, the city requires walking which means you need to have shoes that are prepared for snow, salt, rain but still offer support so that this doesn’t cause damage in your feet later on in life. While living in other spaces such as a place with a beaches, deserts or just a place that doesn’t require much attention to shoes, they might not be as much of a necessity as places like cities. 

How can this product be improved to make the system and your life easier/better? (300 words): Because I need shoes to survive and get around, the pricing of shoes shouldn’t have to be an issue when purchasing them. Living in New York City, I am required to walk everywhere a lot and with having surgery and foot issues prior to moving here, I have to use specific foot inserts with my shoes and make sure that I purchase shoes that support my feet in the best way. With that being said, my shoe selection is pretty specific and requires a lot of attention. Getting the right shoe that fits my needs can also be expensive and as a college student who needs to eat meals, pay for the transportation, the money adds up and makes it difficult to purchase new shoes or even inserts for my shoes. 


Image result for cellphone  

Product name:  iPhone

Manufacturer: Apple

Designer (if not known who invented this product): Steve Jobs

Year invented: June 29, 2007

System of your daily life where this product takes part: Functions as a communication device and includes entertainment and social media.

 Explain its function and relation to the system (200 words): Cellphones allow people to communicate from long distance and allow people to have access to social media. With the help of social media, viewers are able to read and visually see what is happening in the news and all over the world. With this access, we are more aware of actions and issues going on in other parts of the world. Cellphones and technology itself is made up of, production and consumers. Being able to communicate throughout the world can relieve the stress and anxiety on others because they can talk, FaceTime and text others even if they’re on the other part of the world.

How can this product be improved to make the system and your life easier/better? (300 words):  With cellphones being very popular and a common necessity among others, the pricing of the phones can interfere with ability to have one. Although social media can have a negative effect on lives, there are pros to it that can also help others. Being aware of the situations and activities going on all over the world gives people a look into how others are living and increases knowledge of it. This product could be improved by lowing prices so that others can have access to receiving it. This product could also be improved by increasing coverage in places all of the world so that everyone can be contacted no matter where they are. 

Image result for eye glasses

Product name: Eye Glasses

Manufacturer: Multiple companies

Designer (if not known who invented this product): Benjamin Franklin invented bifocal glasses but the first pair were made in Northern Italy.

Year invented: 1290

System of your daily life where this product takes part: Allows me to read and view images and readings clearly. 

 Explain its function and relation to the system (200 words): Eye glasses allow people to view the world with better vision and gives them access to reading and seeing more clear. Eye glasses provide vision to many people who are unable to see clearly on their own. Doctors, and consumers are involved in this system. 

How can this product be improved to make the system and your life easier/better? (300 words):

Eye glasses should be able to be accessed by anyone for lower prices. This also ties in with healthcare but with prices of lenses and frames, the price of the glasses could easily add up over time. Not everyone has access to get an eye exam so there should be a system which allows people who can’t afford an eye exam to receive them. 


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