Design Brief: Toolkit Proposal

My thesis statement for my research project is,  Contrasting to thirty years ago, today’s social media influences pressure the growing youth to live unrealistic lives through the constant oppression to view false imagery which leads to mass diagnosis of depression and anxiety in young adults across the world and specifically the United States. My project will be focusing on Instagram specifically.

My first tool would include the option of opting out of persuading Instagram advertisements. By paying just $1.99 a year, you can get rid of the advertisements that constantly appear on Instagram accounts and with this addition, Instagram will still be making money. There are ads that pop up on your Instagram feed for many different companies and for my account, I mainly see clothing or swim suit ads so I’m assuming others experience the same. With these images of swim suit models flooding your feed, many people are experiencing body image issues which can lead to affecting their mental and physical health.

Another tool is a notification that lets you know how much time you are spending on Instagram. This will notify you when you’ve spent two hours on the application that day. Many teenagers and young adults are attached to their social media accounts let alone their phones so this will limit the time spent on the app so that they can decrease their time on their phone. With this tool, you can you can space out your time looking at the app and engage in something else instead of being on your phone 24/7.

This other tool involves you physically. This tool is taking more time out of your day to plan other activities for your leisure time. This will all around eliminate the time spent on your phone and Instagram and will be better for not just your physical health but your mental health as well. Taking walks, stepping outside and going on adventures is really good for the mind, body and soul.

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