Research Reflection: Promotional Videos Database

The specific piece I chose to write on is Drifting in Daylight where CreativeTime and Central Park worked together to create a dreamy, springtime pathway of art winding through Central Park in May 2015. The work included art by artists, Spencer Finch, Alicia Framis, Nina Katchaduorian, Ragnar Kjartansson, Marc Bamuthi Joseph, David Levin, Karyn Olivier, and Lauri Stallings + glo. The show lasted six weekends and drew locals and visitors to entertain from their busy lives and experience the playful exhibition.

All of the exhibitions by CreativeTime on the website looked incredible but I was drawn to this specific piece because I truly think it’s what New Yorkers need. While living in a city where the typical colors you see daily are grey, and different tones of that grey and maybe some green and brown here and there in parks, this pop of color creates a different scenery and almost feels magical. Every now and then, New Yorkers need a different view to look at other than buildings and cars and that is what Central Park is for and including these pop colors, performative, participator and perceptual work done by these amazing artists, leaves visitors and locals feeling like they’re in another world and gives them a chance to step out of reality.

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