Bridge 1

Final bridge 1 project:

First Draft:

I think I miss understood the assignment for the first draft. I did not make the diagram shows the clear information about the systems of emotions and memories. Therefore, I decided to start a new one for this project.

Final Draft:

I sew my two rooms’ diagram on the canvas, and use different colors of lines to represents my emotions. Black represents Loneliness; Green represents Thinking; Brown represents Sadness; Red represents Happy, and Blue represents Relax. The colors do not only show the system of emotions but also shows the system of the frequency that me having that kind of emotions in my rooms, and where I always have that kind of emotions. I went to boarding school since I was three years old to twelve. I have three roommates in my dorm. The blue pathway is where I usually walk in my rooms.

New diagram description:

Leonardo da Vinci

Distance from the Sun to the Earth and the size of the Moon

1508–10, ink on paper, 11 2⁄3 x 8 1⁄2 in.

Leonardo da Vinci uses ink to keep the journey and made a lot of diagrams to record his researches about astronomy, physical geography, movement of human figures, flight, and anatomy etc. Da Vinci made this diagram about 500 years ago to solve the biggest question that human has about the earth. I really like this diagram because this is a beautiful sketch/diagram that combines the science and art. The drawing of the distance between the Sun to the Earth and the size of the Moon is very clear, with his introductions. I admire Da Vinci’s amazing imagination because there is no one know the knowledge about the earth, the sun, and the moon. All researches came from his imagination. And he was the first person who recognized the earth is a sphere.

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