4 Tell-tale Signs That Make Bathroom Remodeling Imminent

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/PibraWHb4h8

Having a functional and aesthetically pleasing bathroom is central to having a comfortable home. The Bathroom is one of the most frequently used rooms in the house and it’s where we get ready to start a strenuous day and to unwind after it. Yet, it is surprisingly one of the most neglected spaces in our homes. If small problems here and there gradually pile up and remain unnoticed longer than they should, they may lead to major inconveniences or even health concerns. So, don’t let it go to that length and take the plunge the next time you notice any of these signs that might tell you a renovation is long overdue.

Mold and Limescale

Damp and humid places are breeding grounds for household fungi. Mold is a type of fungus that grows on almost any biodegradable material. There are more than a hundred thousand identified species of mold, many of which can grow indoors. These fungi float in the air in form of spores and usually enter the house by traveling through open doors and windows. While most of the mold species are not considered harmful, some are pathogenic and toxigenic, meaning they can cause infections and are toxic to whoever comes in contact with them.

In addition to foul odor, unsightly surfaces, and potential health issues, an excessive mold infestation can be a sign of an underlying problem like leakage in pipes, walls, the roof, and around the tub. Since mold can penetrate the surface and spread into porous materials, it can cause lasting structural damage to pipes, taps, and other components.

Limescale is usually more benign and it builds up as sediment where water is heated such as taps, showerheads, and more invisible areas like inside the pipes and radiators. While limescale damage is more aesthetic, too much accumulation of deposits on the inner surfaces of pipes can restrict the water flow or cause blockage.

When renovating your bathroom, it is strongly recommended that you completely remove any trace of mold and replace anything that’s affected by it as residues may recontaminate your new equipment. Implementing a proper ventilation system is also key to carry excess moisture out of the room. It shouldn’t necessarily be a complex system as a well-placed window or a high-quality exhaust fan can do the job. Using mold-proof décor also helps. Avoid fabric decorations as much as possible as fabrics absorb moisture. A mold-resistant copper bathtub and fixtures made out of stainless steel can save you a lot of trouble in the long run as well.

Damaged Flooring and Walls

Discolored and damaged grout, chipped tiles, loose flooring, cracked ceiling, and blistering and peeling paint are probably the most obvious signs of a bathroom in need of renovation. Most of these problems are the results of prolonged and excessive exposure to moisture. Tile grout is usually formulated based on cement which is a porous material and water and other liquids can seep through it easily causing it to deteriorate over time. If the grout is not sealed at the right time, water can gradually build up under the tile floor and damage the tiles and the underlying subfloor. Without proper ventilation, steam and moisture can also get trapped in the walls and ceiling and harm the painting, drywall, and other structural layers.


if you live in a house built around the 80s, 70s, and prior, there is a chance that you have asbestos in some building materials in your house. If remained undisturbed, asbestos is often harmless. However, if there are visible damages to the flooring, ceiling, or the house’s piping system, you should have them checked and if necessary, removed. Asbestos is a naturally occurring fiber that is highly flexible, durable, and resistant to heat and electricity. These properties made asbestos a popular building material in a variety of industries—including construction—until its health hazards to humans were discovered in the 1970s. Since then, the use of asbestos has been banned in over 50 countries. Pipe laggings, vinyl floor tiles, ceiling tiles, toilet seats, ducts, and insulations are common locations that may contain asbestos.

The Current Design Isn’t Functional

Many bathrooms weren’t designed by today’s standards. Cramped layouts, cluttered counter spaces, and lack of enough storage space are all solid reasons to consider a bathroom renovation. Even if you have minimal space to work with, some basic rearrangements can significantly improve the functionality. There are a lot of space-saving bathroom designs that may eliminate the need for expanding the room dimensions and if that’s not enough, you can always change the structure of the house to allot more space to the bathroom. A poorly designed bathroom causes much inconvenience and can make the most trivial tasks cumbersome, and when combined with the problems mentioned above, it can take a toll on the quality of your everyday life.

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