3 Advantages of Wood Framing Over Steel Framing

Image Source – https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/carpenter-man-working-roof_11105961.htm

The global wood-based panel market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.3% from $86.5 billion to $141.6 billion between 2022 and 2030. The construction industry will play a major role in propelling the growth of this market by investing in wood framing. When it comes to choosing between wood and steel framing, wood is a better choice for many reasons. All you need is a contracting company well-known for wood framing services. 

Infinity Contracting ATX LLC has highly skilled and experienced commercial wood framing contractors in Austin TX. They offer professional custom framing in Austin and can give you an exact outline of the home you wish to live in while keeping in touch during the construction process. The company has highly proficient framing crews to effectively plan and execute a project. Once the frame is set up, they can even carry out other construction work. 

The company also specializes in remodeling services, especially renovations of kitchens and bathrooms, and exterior and interior construction repairs. They have been making clients happy since 2013 and therefore, have a strong reputation in the market. They can give you highly satisfactory results on any budget and even finish a project under a tight deadline without compromising the quality of their work. 

Before availing wood framing services from such a trusted contrasting company, take a look below at 3 advantages of wood framing over steel framing. 

  1. Need for Sufficient Insulation

Unlike steel, wood doesn’t have conducting properties. During winter, steel frames become highly cold but wood frames maintain their usual temperature. With steel framing, you need to use a lot of insulation to lower its conductivity. 

On the other hand, you don’t need additional insulation if you opt for wood framing. A study reinforces the insulating properties of wood and says that wood fibers are incorporated in building materials to reduce thermal conductivity

  1. Lower Cost

Steel framing has higher long-term and short-term costs than wood framing. Building a house using metal frames needs electrical boxes, special tools, and expensive materials. These are quite costly and the cost of separate insulation will be added. 

Wood frames cost much less and contractors can install them using affordable materials and common woodwork tools. They have a reasonable cooling/heating energy cost and can be installed easily, thereby reducing labor expenses. 

  1. Resistance to Rust

Although steel can’t rot, it can become rusty which is an even greater concern. When steel is exposed to water through major leaks for a long period, it begins to rust and this can reduce its stability and strength. As a result, the structure of your house won’t remain as durable as it was in the beginning. So, you would have to invest in frequent treatments and this would be another additional expense. 

Since wood cannot rust, you can skip this cost by installing wood framing. 

Now that you see why wood framing is better than steel, opt for the former to create the structure of your house. For that, ensure to hire a reputed framing company and contractors. 

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