A Zero Waste Day


For the group project: Field Guide Assignment, Suzin Feng, Sandy Wang and me, since all of us have a different mayor, we wanted to focus on how can we reduce our damage to the planet as much as possible. This being in plastic and water usage, and how to eliminate waste. That is why we decided on doing a guide on how to live a zero-waste day, from morning to night. This guide is online to eliminate the use of paper and so that it can be reached by more people and shared faster. We started making the activities a person might go through a day and the different ways in which someone could avoid making waste. In each section: morning, noon, afternoon, and evening, there are illustrations and the description of the products the reader can use to replace non-recyclable items that harm the environment. We implemented metal or glass bottles to replace plastic cups in coffee shops, for example, which to produce waste massive amounts of water and are single-use products. To go grocery shopping we entourage carrying your bags to eliminate the use of plastic bags which again, most people use them only one time before disposing of them. In today’s world, people want to do things quickly and with minimal effort, so we included a list of places where it is possible to order zero waste products shown in the guide or online and physical stores in which the delivery and packaging is zero waste. We also included brands that are thinking of the afterlife of the products, like Xinú, a Mexican brand that makes perfumes. When the bottle of perfume is empty, there are several ways in which you can use it again, it can be a vase for flowers, an incense holder, and even decoration. 

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