


 What is perspective?

Perspective is the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point. During the Renaissance, Brunelleschi, known as the oldest of the founding fathers of the Renaissance figured a way to construct the first correct drawing of perspective. Alberti, another of the artist of the Renaissance was inspired by Brunnelleschis drawings of perspective and wrote a book on how to do it called: “On Painting”. He noticed that the problem was that people lost the connection of the picture and the observer. For this assignment, I had to draw a space using Brunelleschi’s method of linear perspective, a process which involved using plexi glass, a sheet of acetate and a sharpie. I had to sit still in a stool, closing one eye, holding on one hand the plexi glass with acetate and drawing with the other.