Busses in El Salvador

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My home country is El Salvador, San Salvador. It is a small country third-world country with a population of 7 million people located in Central America. When I go back home, I do not use any form of public transportation because the the ones that exist, buses and taxis are extremely dangerous due to gangs. The average bus ride costs $0.25 cents one trip, $0.50 round trip, and an average taxi costs from $5-$20 depending on the distance traveled.

So when I go back home I drive myself around in private cars. However, I have heard about the experience of using public transportation from the people who work in my house. The busses are old busses provided by the government, driven mostly by men, that can sometimes be thief’s. My nannies and people who work in my house hate using the bus because they are scared of getting robbed and hate the experience. It is also extremely crowded, with no a/c, no music and its just uncomfortable. Unfortunately they have no other option, so they have to use the busses.

When I visited Shanghai, I got the opportunity to use the metro system. Its simply amazing. Extremley clean, practical, comfortable and its an enjoyable experience. I would love for the metro in NYC to be similar. The metro in Shanghai is futuristic! But also people take care of it and feel pride about it.

I would love to create a sustainable form of transportation system in El Salvador and/or in Central America where many other countries experience the same.