Space&Materiality-Assignment 3-Phase 2

The biggest difference between 2d and 3d is that 2d just need to be aesthetically pleasing, but for 3d, I had to think about how to put it together. How to form the shape.

I used harder steel wire on the important parts of my wire portrait. So the annealed wire could be held together. For the yarn one, I pined little nails on the cardboard, so they stables the yarn. The cardboard was the hardest one. I made 3 of them and the first 2 are a mess. The reason being probably is I did not think of putting it on a surface. At the end, I used needle and string to sew the cardboard on a foam board.

For my work, I liked the wire one the best. Because it perfectly transformed my 2d work to 3d. The curves were remained and there are different values due to the use of different wires. Both of my cardboard and yarn work are a little bit too harsh. It was not easy to create the curve with my method. But maybe the yarn one could’v had the most detail if I tried harder.

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