Topic: College Culture
I have an irrational fear that one day I’ll wake up, stay in bed all day, all night, and die from dehydration. As irrational as this fear sounds, I would like to point out that to all those that don’t know me; do not underestimate my ability to be a generally terribly kept human being. I’ve heard it my whole life, the phrase, “stay hydrated”, “don’t stay up too late”, “just study harder”, people who are literal strangers or whom I’ve just started speaking to, have told me this. Hilariously, college-student culture likes to romanticise this idea of bad habits with skinny thighs, all nighters and tequila shots, which is both highly problematic and makes absolutely no sense seeing as we are the most unemployed and lively age group. People love to romanticise bad habits because they indicate that your guilty pleasure can be excused, but you’re never excuse for something that has a negative impact on your body or brain. Things like these tend to always even out in the end, even when we don’t notice. I find that college culture is both a great community but also somewhat toxic if others are too pressuring of excusing these negative habits, it depends on the people around you and your attitude towards them. I’ve found that focusing on my own mindset and arguments, judgements and ideas on the world, I am able to understand what I will value for the future and what I will prioritise.