Topic: Artificial Intelligence/Laziness Dilemma
I’ve always been sort of obsessed with the future and the implications of society is interested today and how that will transform into the future wants and needs of next generations. Currently, the greatest concern of the young generation is having the newest iphone or owning airpods, yet I find these things quite trivial in comparison to what futuristic priorities may be. Like, for example; do I want to walk to work today or take a bullet train that will minimize my walking time to almost nothing? Or; Should I have my robot walk my dog, or should I take care of it myself and maintain both my fitness and relationship with the dog?
One consistency that has always been the same throughout the centuries that humanity has reigned always relate back to constantly finding ways of doing things more quickly, efficiently and in a way that will decrease the amount of physical or mental activity needed in order to complete a task. Humanity will eventually be plagued by a type of laziness that will be unavoidable at every decision in our lives. We will be plagued with ideas of whether or not to move do things ‘the hard way’ or ‘traditional way’ in comparison to whatever modern approach there is. Every task at some point will become seemingly harder and harder to the average individual, our overexposure is as thrilling as it is worrying. Humanity has proved to exponentially improve whenever there has been an influx of information and education in a system, however what does this mean when we will not be able to make a biased decision. What will be right and wrong in a world like this? The phrase of being ‘politically correct’ will be something our society will become obsessed with because everyone will know exactly whether or not you are on the same page with everyone else, it will be inevitable that our private opinions will dictate our lives. Currently social media such as facebook use softwares to lure users into wanting to interact with advertisements by collecting data about an individual and ‘personalising’ their “feeds” with it. This data collection is not only a very perceptively sly way of gaining trust in it’s users, but it is also the masterful way of exploiting what your deepest opinions about subject matters are. This type of artificial intelligence is not only, in the surface sense of invasive, like seeing which posts you like or what links you tend to click on, but it also helps the economy and government understand how people think and by default make it easier to coerce people into cohering to a societal standard and making it easier to control you. This isn’t to say that any of this is inherently bad, it’s simply the natural route that our society is, and has always been going towards. We are social creatures, we desire cohabitation, this process makes it easier for us to cohabit, it just makes it harder for us to feel as an individual, to learn and form opinions solely based off of your own perceptions. This is because, well, essentially, they do not exist. If you are tightly linked to this feed backing system, you are stuck. You will find yourself believing what the masses believe, which generally, is good in nature. However, there is always a disguised manipulation and a sort of darkness that manifests beneath it which cannot be ignored if you choose to delve deeper than it’s surface level. This influence underneath certain topics, if you choose to accept them, you will discover that the mere fact that you are discovering the manipulation tactics used by governmental authorities, is in itself, is a distraction from what is truly happening. And it is at this point that you are wasting time trying to understand what it is that you were trying so hard to uncover. And finally at this point you miraculously accept it, because; it is the easiest thing you can do, and you choose not to delve deeper because you are trained not to dig into business that isn’t meant to be meddled with, and maintaining a connectedness with the masses is at this point more important than straying and losing yourself to what most everyone would call madness. Essentially, laziness can save us the trouble of being labelled as “insane” and artificial intelligence is doing nothing to stop this. Though I encourage artificial intelligence personally, and I find it fascinating, I hope I can remain above it, I am determined to be someone who can fashion it for the masses as explained, but in a way where the ethics of ‘do I have it do everything for me’ will not be an option. I can only hope we do not achieve a point at which we will not have to worry about doing absolutely nothing.