Project proposal
For my studio project I would like to focus on creating a series of film photo stills that are heavily manipulated through photoshop and my own illustrations. In order to maintain an authentic film-like appearance, I would like to use a lot of real photographs within the single still in order to create the impression of a real background with a more pronounced foreground of, for example, a ‘character’s’ expression of current dialogue with someone else. In order to convey dialogue I will be filling in subtitles beneath the photo discussing issues of the present day, things like climate change, political agendas, lgbt+ issues, the power of technology and how lonely as a society we have become.
Research and prototyping
During this class time I focused a lot on trying to understand the contexts of a selection of sci fi films (Invasion of the body snatchers, Terminator, The Blade runner, etc.) and how the aspects of the present day during that time period, reflected within it’s film counterpart.
My proposal is tightly linked to this idea of discussing to what effect does a sci fi film have an authentic affliction with the audience and what kinds of specific issues are portrayed in sci fi films during specific time periods and what was the publics reactions to them?
My motive is to bring self awareness to the audience even if the context of the film still itself is far from what we consider our own world/society.
Reflection on Feedback
I was told that maybe giving the audience an idea of a more wider selection of issues rather than carrying on with a chronological plot line and looking only at one issue, I should look at many, which really inspired me to think of all the things I could look at and portray in different ways through different stills. With this advice I want to be able to hopefully evoke a deep rooted reaction from the viewers by talking about these different societal issues and fears in order to be able to hit close to home on present day issues we all can relate to or understand.
Next Steps
I want to focus on using my photoshop skills to make a prototype of all five or six different film stills and portray them in a futuristic theme. I want to focus on taking good personal photography as well in order to have something else to incorporate into my pieces and be able to manipulate them to look realistically portraying a story/real film.