Bridge 2: Universityopia


If I had to change something about my source list, I would change the way I cited the sources. I placed the citations right beside each source, because I personally feel that it becomes more convenient for the reader to see its original source right next to the main source instead of having to turn back to a bibliography at the end. However, it looks kind of untidy and overwhelming now. I would incorporate a bibliography look on the same page by citing each source on that page in a clear and concise layout.

I would probably use this book in the future as a reminder to myself of what my values were a few years ago and to test if they are still intact. The one thing that might prevent me from using it is the ack of personal relation in this source list. I wish I could’ve included more personal stories and experiences rather than sources attributed to other people.

Taking from above, I would like to update my source list regularly with my actual experiences. I know that jotting down my real life stories would make the book much more enticing for me in the future.

Rubric (Final)-19spvij

Taking feedback from my classmates, I edited my rubric to make it interactive. It can now literally be used as a checklist. The boxes can be checked or unchecked by just clicking on them.



Overall assessment of my values aligning with Parsons or not –

Parsons Rubric-xaxg5u

    • Physical spaces/ architecture
      • I feel that there isn’t enough gratitude of what we have available to us. The beautiful physical spaces in our school aren’t appreciated as much.
    • Location
      • Under my value of ambition, I didn’t check “fearless” because I believe that most students are overwhelmed by the city. At least speaking for myself, I can say that I haven’t overcome all my fears here. Even the one’s associated with our institution.
    • Curriculum
      • Most of my values align with the curriculum I have experienced till now. 
    • Extracurricular activities
      • According to me, there is a lack of cohesion in the student community and therefore the extracurricular activities don’t seem as hyped as they do at other universities.
    • Faculty
      • Again, I have witnessed most of my values in the faculty up till now. However, I have a had a few bitter experiences and witnessed the absence of kindness.
    • Staff
      • My experience with the staff has always been impeccable.
    • Students
      • Lack of strong community, cohesion and trust. There isn’t much unity.
    • Services
      • I haven’t gotten around to exploring all the services available at our school. I have only been in contact with the IT Central and the Student Advising Services. I would say that both have all the values important to me.
    • Facilities
      • I can’t stress on how much I value all the facilities available to us. I am so very grateful for them. There is nothing about them I have witnessed that doesn’t align with my values.
    • Resources
      • I feel that there isn’t much cohesive understnading about the resources available here. It seems very secretive and not openly advertised as much as other events or services.

Assignment 1 | Integrative Seminar 2

“The Branding of Learning” from Naomi Klein’s No Logo (1999)

“They are fighting for their brands to become not the add-on but the subject of education, not an elective but the core curriculum.”

“Sums that make the coaches’ salaries look like tokens of appreciation.”

“Public school teachers are desperate for materials that will excite the kids.”

“The more campuses act and look like malls, the more students behave like consumers.”

“We believe students are savvy enough to discern between educational content and marketing materials.”

“So there they all were, fighting about women’s studies and the latest backlash book while their campuses were being sold out from under their feet.”

  1. Why did brands use the bargain basement strategy for students?
  2. Did they in a way use students as their marketing advisors?
  3. What is it about brands that entrances schools and universities?





Convenience Purchases –

Edamame – $4.29

Honest Cranberry Lemonade – $2.99

Grilled Cheese – $8.99

Justin’s Organic dark chocolate Peanut Butter Cups – $1.99

Destination Purchase –

Parsons Hoodie – $42

From the above examples, it can be seen that destination purchases are more expensive. They are also more time-consuming because of the extra effort required in going to the desired store or counter. Although the convenience purchases seem cheaper in comparison to the other, they are priced relatively higher than in markets outside of the New School.