I found myself happily losing hours while completing this project. I would lose track of time diving deep into Hannah Höch’s life and all she went through. She was a feminist who freely explored gender identity and sexuality; I look up to her courage for this.
I love using symbolism and creating a message within all my art, and I found later in this project that I wasn’t fulfilling correspondence with how Höch created her collages. She found inspiration from popular media and used those images to question society and how it views itself. So, I started to be more open-minded with my creative process. I went to dollar general and got a handful of magazines, and created my image from there. Cutting out different photos I found interesting, then creating a concept of the tone from there. This strategy I will carry with me moving forward. Before I wanted to achieve perfection and have all these symbols and color meanings, perfection grew overwhelming. Although it was stressful trying to complete my series the day before it was due, I enjoyed giving myself more artistic liberty.
With Seminar, I was able to connect deeply to Höch’s inner monologue. Among the hours I spent researching my artist’s life and struggles, it helped to create meaningful visual pieces.