Seminar 2 – reflection

1.) How do you think the research you’ve done in seminar will influence the creative work you are completing in studio? 

The research I have been doing on sleeves has impacted my view on the section of a garment itself but also drawn my attention to the intricacies that a pattern cutting or design change can create. Through researching my topic, I learned about how to cut and sew a sleeve, which I would have never imagined I could do!

2.) How is your project different from what you originally thought you’d be doing? 

I originally thought that my paper would just be about sleeves in general. However, I was able to refine my research question to something more specific, which allowed me to dive deeper into a certain topic and then apply my knowledge elsewhere.

3.) What has been the most helpful research you’ve completed on your topic so far? 

I learned about the reason statement sleeves came to be and how sleeves were important to gain attention and turn it into something powerful. It made me learn about my past and the impact of fashion on a social phenomenon.

4.) What do you feel proud of in your writing and research so far in this project? 

I really like a point I make about the impact of sleeves and the sleevless fashion worn by men. Tank tops, not having sleeves, used to be called “wife beaters,” entailing the power of men without sleeves and the claim of women having sleeves and finding power in that.

5.) What do you want to work on doing better in the last month of the semester? What are your final goals? 

I want to improve my researching skills and see how I can find useful and academic sources faster.

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