B1 seminar

My Older Brother

I remember I was riding a bicycle for the first time. My parents brought a bicycle for me for my 8th birthday. At the time, I couldn’t ride the bicycle. It was a challenge for a little kid. So, my brother taught me how to ride a bicycle. We got practice near my house where there was a hill. I was clumsy and I couldn’t control my speed on the hill. The hill seemed to be big mountain for me. Whenever I was fallen down and I got fear to be speedy, he gave a hand to me. Then, I got better riding a bicycle more and more with his help. Eventually, I could ride my bicycle as much control as I can follow my brother’s bicycle and riding together with him. From the time, we went everywhere in my hometown together with ride bicycle. He was stronger and his bicycle was bigger than mine. Of course he was faster than me and I got always left behind him. I worked a pedal hard to follow behind him. He occasionally looked back to me, and I screamed “watch your front!” to him. This was all our conversation while biking. He looked back again and again, I screamed again and again. I felt that I could go wherever with my brother while biking. He made always my way what I could be safe. He always gave a way to me how I could follow right way. So, I’m still follow a way he gives to me. His advice has been always right.

This memoir piece based on I remember.

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