B3 seminar

Running Away from The Darkness

I sense someone’s presence from behind me. I look back, and I am surprised it is the teacher.

“How does he follow me?”

“Did he already see me?”

But I don’t have time to think about that. I think the power of the stone also lead my teacher to here. He looks like he just got here. He grasps his head feel dizzy it means he teleport suddenly like me. He can’t see under the darkness. Even though he looks defenseless, but I know he still fall into a truculent mood. I get goose bumps by the murderous. Now, he doesn’t see anything in the darkness. I try to find somewhere I can hide from him and I clutch my blinking stone to hide the light going out. I hide my body behind of a huge pillar.

“What the hell is this.”, he says.

“HaHaHa…. this is the power of stone. Incredible!! I must find her and kill the refractory child!!.” His word makes me scared.

I think he already know the power of stone and the power is the reason why he wants to kill me. My hands grasp the stone is shaking.

“she is near here I can feel it” he says.

“where are you? Here? Or there?”

I feel his voice is getting closer. But I can move my body by extremely fear. The sound of footsteps looks toward to me. I resign this is my last moment I would be dead by him. There is no where I can go to get away from him in this strange place. I can’t do anything. He almost comes to a pillar where I hide. I start crying soundlessly. But I can’t hide my sound of crying. “Here you are~” he says. At that moment, I catch a extremely low whisper. The voice is tiny but it’s obvious. “Run!!” As soon as I hear that voice, I start to run out from him and I throw myself into deeper darkness.

This is my narrative piece.

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